Fun in the Sun
How do you spend a perfect day in Switzerland? You head for the mountains….
After our bacon and eggs Sunday morning breakfast, we packed our lunch and hopped in the car. We arrived to our destination approx. 1 hour later…Kerenzerberg. Already the views driving up are amazing. Once parked, we got our tickets for the chairlift up and off we went.
Once at the top we picked out a scooter (or trotinette) as they say in Switzerland and helmet and made our way down the mountain. After a 5 min run down, we arrived to the beautiful Talalpsee (or lake Talalp ) We then parked our scooters and headed out for an easy hike. Surrounded by swiss mountains, a crystal clear lake, the sound of cow bells and sunshine…the perfect place for a picnic. We settled down on our blanket and picnicked on carrots, kohlrabi, red bell pepper, ham, olives, paleo crackers and of course raw milk cheeses…I know not paleo but no picnic is complete without.
Aftr lunch we hopped on our scooters and zoomed all the way down the mountains admiring the views….Great fun for young and old.
For more information, go to