Field Trip to the Alnatura Shop in Zurich-Höngg

Field Trip to the Alnatura Shop in Zurich-Höngg
  • Sumo

So what does one do on their 14 year meeting anniversary these days you ask? A) a trip to a fancy restaurant maybe? B) a weekend in Rome? Or C) check out the latest health food store in town and then cook a feast at home? If you’ve gone with C you hit the jackpot and won a Swiss Paleo virtual badge.

Luckily, I have the whole family on board with going Paleo and when I suggested going for a little Paleo food explore the answer was a resounding YES from the P gang! (except for the dogs who would have probably been more interested in a trip to Mr. Eigenmann our local butcher…)

We arrived at the newly opened Migros Alnatura shop after a short drive and walked through the doors that promised a pleasant Paleo shopping experience…

Open Paleo Sesame…

The shop is flagship project for Migros and is the first of its kind in Switzerland. The Alnatura brand from Germany is a large health food chain with dozens of large stores all through the neighboring country and an especially good one in nearby Konstanz.

Many people from the German speaking region of Switzerland take the time to do shopping trips to German border towns such as Jestetten and Konstanz because many products can be bought at MUCH better prices at similar quality. However, being a big fan of shopping local I was extremely curious as to whether this new flagship store would actually keep people from making the trip to Germany and offer the same range of health food products at a comparable price.

And what was the verdict? Well, the store certainly is made up very pretty and is fun to browse. The staff was extremely friendly and helpful. There was a large selection of several Paleo items such as Almond Butter (Mandel Mus):

Almond Butter Alnatura Brand

Almond Butter Rapunzel brand

They also carried a good selection of one my personal favorites: maple syrup, both in Grades A + C at good prices

Maple Syrup Grades A + C

and honey of all kinds, as well as their own brand of Ghee and good Coconut oils..

Honey Selection

However, and for me this is a big, HOWEVER, there was neither any Coconut Flour nor any Almond or Banana flour to be found. The staff was very helpful and kindly pointed us to the gluten-free shelf when we inquired about these items, but in essence they had no ingredient to make Paleo Holy Grail: good baking products.

But the shop is still a work in progress and apparently they are really still figuring out what they want to carry as there is a large feedback board in the store where you can leave your criticism and questions. So variety wise, they didn’t really offer anything you can’t find at a Reformhaus here in Switzerland. And price wise? Well, for the time being, I can see many people still making that trip to Germany.





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  1. Great information Susan! Thanks for making the field trip to Alnatura for Swiss Paleo. I refuse to try and shop in Germany on Saturdays and so I only get to make that trip when I’m on vacation. I’m glad to know what the alternative here offers.

  2. Thanks for creating this!
    Found your page when searching for organic, fair-trade coconut oil in Zürich.
    It seems from the pictures that Alnatura only has small containers, but I might go check it out anyway.

    Almond butter prices seem very low for the area!

    • Hi Jonathan,
      I have never found really large containers of coconut oil in Switzerland like I have in the States. I’m just happy I can find it at all 🙂