Baked Stuffed Apples (Lazy Apple Pie)
I am not a huge apple fan. I will eat them, but they aren’t my favorite fruit. I like sour green apples the best. And, of course, I like apple pie. My husband came home with some apples the other day and I needed to do something with them before they got all wrinkly and old. I was far too lazy to make a pie today, so I stuffed them and baked them instead. They tasted a lot like pie in the end, so maybe I should call this recipe “Lazy Lisa’s Apple Pie Wannabe”.
- 2-4 small to medium apples (Swiss apples are small compared to monster American apples)
- 1/4 cup almond butter
- 1/4 cup raisins
- 1/4 cup chopped pecans (or walnuts)
- 1 Tablespoon cinnamon
- pinch of salt (if your nut butter is unsalted)
- Optional: 1 teaspoon honey or maple syrup—I didn’t add any to mine, but it would make it more sweet and pie-like if you add it
- Optional: you could also add some ghee into the mix to make it extra buttery
What to do
- Core your apples. I don’t have a special kitchen tool for this, but I used a little melon ballerand it worked great.
- Mix your other ingredients together in a small bowl.
- Spoon your stuffing into the center of your cored apples.
- Place in a baking dish and bake in a pre-heated 190 C / 375 F oven for 20-30 minutes. I cooked mine for 20 minutes because I wanted my apples to still be somewhat firm. If you cooked them longer, they would get mushier.
I haven’t actually had apple pie in years, but this came pretty close for me. I think you could really add anything into the core of the apple that you wanted. With or without nuts, with or without raisins, maybe dried cranberries or chopped dried apricots or figs, orange zest, coconut butter….get creative and enjoy!
Oh I loooove cooked apples!! I will make these but cook the apples longer..I like mine mushy when they are cooked!!
I like them, too….in the olden days I used to fill them with loads of butter, brown sugar, raisins and nuts. They would ooze with buttery sugar. These were not oozy. I would probably add a little butter or coconut oil next time and maybe cook them a little longer to get a little mushier.