A Workout in the Woods

A Workout in the Woods
  • Sumo

Every Sunday my husband and I work out with Julie and her husband. We started off by doing the crossfit open workouts together every week and then just kind of kept going with our own workouts. Julie and our two husbands are incredibly fit and I’m….well, I’m trying. 

This weekend was my husband’s turn to make up the workout we would be doing. He had some tortuous workout planned, but then we decided to hit the Vita Parcours near Julie’s house instead. The sun was actually shining for a change and so the outdoors were calling. I was a little nervous for this workout because I wasn’t sure what I was in for. I did, however, know that running was involved. I hate running.

Have you ever done a Vita Parcours workout? Well, let me tell you….there is no more beautiful place to do it than here in Switzerland. In fact, they were invented in Switzerland in 1968 and the very first one was located near Zürich. Today, Switzerland has over 500 of these organized fitness trails and there are over 2500 world wide.There are three of these courses within 10 minutes of my house. This one is directly next to Julie’s house. You can have a look here for a listing of all of the parcours trails in the Zürich area.

Beautiful forest trails

Beautiful forest trails

A typical parcours trail is 2-3 km long and it leads uphill for at least part of the way. Most have about 15 stations where you can do a variety of exercises. The exercises are categorized blue for endurance, yellow for flexibility and red for strength. You run from station to station and do the exercises at each. When Julie is your workout partner, there’s bound to be a twist though. We didn’t just do pull-ups, we did burpee pull-ups at the pull-up station.

Burpee pull-ups

Burpee pull-ups

Mr. Swiss Paleo and Julie

Mr. Swiss Paleo and Julie

The men's turn

The men’s turn

Doing Dips

Doing Dips

Toes to ring and muscle up practice

Toes to ring and muscle up practice

Improvised box jumps

Improvised box jumps

We made up a few stations like these box jumps onto a stump, a couple hundred meters of walking lunges and then, at the end, atomic push-ups on the swings at the playground.

Atomic push-ups

Atomic push-ups

If you don’t have a parcours where you live, you can still get creative in the woods or your local playground. Find things to jump over or onto. Add in a few sprints and walking lunges. Pick up heavy stuff. Drop for a few rounds of push-ups. Make it fun and your workout will be over before you know it.

By the way, I survived and the running didn’t kill me after all 🙂







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  1. Looove our Sunday workouts!!

    • Me too 🙂

  2. I use to run and workout in Vita Parcours with my husband! Its 2.5 Km, the first round we run and in the second round we stop in all the station & do the exercise!
    Thanks for reminding me, i’m gone start again!

    • That’s a great idea to run it once and then do the exercises the second time around. I must learn to like running 🙂

  3. I too dislike running. Vita Parcour: failed at the running as well as everything else. But since giving up wheat the wheeze in my throat has vanished and I can breathe easier. Currently I want to have a go at handstands and utilize the running only for catching the tram. But who knows what I might attempt next?

    • Handstands Miriam?? Good for you! I actually used to run for fun (between 5 and 12 km a day) and now I just hate it. 400 meters and I already want to stop 🙂

      • 400 meters is plenty for most tram situations 🙂
        I did the handstand (assisted) it went well.. I am surprised every day at the strength I have gained in those past two primal years. Real food rocks!